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Annual Sloan's Lake Search Party (SLSP) Details

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:56 am
by admin

The annual search party is held at Sloan's Lake in Denver, Colorado. Did you know that the loop around Sloan's Lake is almost perfectly 2.62 miles around? Join us as we circle the lake on the hour, every hour for 10 hours as we complete a Marathon around the lake (10 x 2.62 = 26.2!).

Everyone will start at the same time every hour and have 1 hour to complete the loop around the lake. You can run, walk, crawl as long as you make it back within an hour. Though the sooner you finish the sooner you can hang out at the basecamp with friends, family, food, and fun! This is unlike other races where your support squad may only see you sweat past them for a brief second or two as they wave smart handmade signs and you work up a quick smile for their support. Instead you will get to see them every time you complete a loop! This makes for a very unique and shared experience! Interested?

Goosifer is most likely to be in this area in Autumn but the exact date will vary depending on latest information available from sightings and tracking efforts.
  • WHEN: Autumn. Exact date will vary year to year.
  • START TIME: 0700 or just after dawn
  • END TIME: 1800 unless the creature causes havoc
  • BASECAMP LOCATION: Basecamp will be setup at Sloan's Lake, exact location TBD.

Why is this called a search? That is the other thing that makes this an even more unusual event. There have been recent reports of the mythical creature Goosifer roaming around the lake - something with the head of a goose and body of bigfoot. We will go out as a group in search of evidence of Goosifer. Each participant will need to check-in at basecamp after searching the lake (completing a loop) within an hour, for safety purposes of course!

Ground Rules
  • The entire group will leave basecamp together at the beginning of every hour. We leave at the same time but you can return as quickly as you want.
  • Each participant will need to complete a full search (loop) around the lake (approx 2.62 miles)
  • Each participant will need to return back to basecamp within an hour and check-in with an organizer
  • Each participant will complete 10 full loops around the lake (approx 26.2 miles). That means you'll be out there for 10+ hours no matter how fast you normally run a marathon.
The race will begin and end at basecamp. This is where each participant will need to sign-in to start and check-in every hour. Friends, family, and foes are welcome to make camp here as well and spend the day at beautiful Sloan's Lake. There will be water, coffee, some sustenance, and other surprises at basecamp; however, participants must be radically self-reliant! At the end we will celebrate a long day of searching around the lake. Those who successfully complete the full 10 loops will be rewarded and the top search participants will be recognized for their hard work!

Here are some things to bring and not bring to the party:
  • Wear appropriate attire to complete 10 searches around the lake ~ 26 miles in total. That's a marathon of monster hunting!
  • Bring nutrition and electrolytes to keep you going strong
  • Bring a headlamp or flashlight for the start and end of the search
  • Bring shelter (pop-ups, tent, umbrella) so you can be protected from the elements throughout the long day
  • DO BRING friends, family, and any creature comforts that will make this an amazing and memorable day!
  • DO NOT BRING any weapons or anything else that could get yourself or others hurt!

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please reply below.